We’ve recently observed a concerning rise in fraudulent activities where scammers impersonate law enforcement officers, including Officers from the New Castle County Police Department and members of the New Castle County Sheriff’s Office, to exploit innocent individuals. It’s crucial to stay informed and vigilant to protect yourself and your loved ones from falling victim to these scams.

How the Scam Works:

Fraudsters often use clever tactics to deceive victims, including:

Phone Calls: They may impersonate police officers or government officials, claiming you have outstanding warrants or owe fines. They threaten arrest or legal action if immediate payment isn’t made.

Fear Tactics: Scammers use intimidation and fear to coerce victims into complying with their demands. Remember, legitimate law enforcement agencies won’t demand payment over the phone or threaten arrest without due process.

🛑 Red Flags to Watch Out For:

Unsolicited calls demanding immediate payment or personal information.

Threats of arrest or legal consequences for unpaid fines or warrants.

Requests for payment via wire transfer, gift cards, or cryptocurrency.

🤝 How to Protect Yourself:

Verify Caller Identity: If you receive a suspicious call, hang up and verify the caller’s identity by contacting your local police department using a trusted phone number.

The New Castle County Police non-emergency phone number is (302)-573-2800

Never Share Personal Information: Avoid sharing sensitive information like Social Security numbers or financial details over the phone.

Report Suspicious Activity: Report any fraudulent calls or scams to the appropriate authorities, or your local police department.

🔒 Together, We Can Stop Scams:

Spread Awareness: Share this message with your friends, family, and community to raise awareness about police impersonation scams.

Trust Your Instincts: If something seems suspicious, trust your instincts, and take steps to verify the caller’s identity.

Stay Informed: Stay updated on the latest scam tactics and prevention tips to protect yourself from fraudsters.

Remember, law enforcement agencies will never demand immediate payment over the phone or threaten arrest without due process. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and stay safe!
